Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Quiet Time...

You want to find some clarity and calm?

Give yourself some quiet time... Movement helps too... Free flow, just you and your breath. No rules or asanas to follow. Then, sit in stillness and listen to the silence deep within you.

“Quiet your mind. Breathe and let go of words, worry and plans. Go into that space of silence deep within you, that vortex of peace where the world doesn’t enter.” ~Doreen Virtue, Goddess Oracle Cards

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Self-study - Svadyaya 

"Analyze what inspires you." 

words by Danielle Laporte

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


"The master sticks to her tools." - Lao-Tzu

This is something my husband and I talk a lot about...our tools. What tools we can use to find balance, feel empowered, for healing, vitality and wholeness.
We are both exploring our own tools and keep reminding each other to bring them out and use them. After a while they become gently embedded into the flow of everyday life, like subtle habits. Before my asana practice yesterday I sat down to draw this wheel and write down my tools. It's like ingredients I can choose to create a "healing recipe." 

What tools do you use when stress, dis-connection and tension shows up?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Love & Compassion

How about letting love and compassion rule everyday

Small acts of self-love... Subtle habits of self-compassion...?

How about being gentle and kind toward yourself

Pause and hold a space of gratitude for yourself, your body and spirit.

Imagine the shift...

Love & Namaste, Helén

Friday, February 12, 2016

Reflection Friday

Svadyaya - Self-study
“Whether you are a student or a teacher, expose yourself constantly to those writers, poets, singers, songwriters, movies, actors, yoga teachers, meditation teachers, and anyone else who lights your fire.
Svadyaya is about connecting to the energy you find healing and inspiring.” from the inspiring book Meditations from the mat
What do you find healing and inspiring?
Who and what lights your fire?
Namaste and Happy weekend, Helén

Thursday, February 11, 2016


"Nothing cures like devotion." 
Words by Danielle Laporte 
photo credit @ricky_sears

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Hakini Mudra

Hakini Mudra
Hakini - God of the forehead, third eye chakra
This mudra helps us develop concentration and has a calming and tranquil effect on body and mind. 
I like to practice this mudra both in my asana and meditation practice. 
Place the fingertips together and bring your hands either above your head with slightly bent elbows or hold the mudra in front of your heart.
Close your eyes and gaze up to your third eye between your eyebrows. Gently begin to deepen your breathing. Soften your thoughts, let them come and go like clouds in the sky. Relax your body without collapsing. Keep your sense of presence vibrant and awake. 
Namaste, Helén

Monday, February 8, 2016


"Attention is what allows us to see ourselves, in order to learn how we can elegantly approach anything, everything." 

from the book Art of Attention by Elena Brower & Erica Jago

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Study Nature...

Self-study - Svadyaya
"Svadyaya also encourages study of the natural world by observing with awe her bounty and the uniqueness of everyday life. Greet the morning light with reverence and wonder, and with the diminishing light welcome the miracle of nights as you draw inward. Let each butterfly and ant have a delightful presence in your life. Study nature and feel the comfort of her presence." 
from the book The Secret Power of Yoga 
by Nischala Joy Devi

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Yoga Sutra ~ Self-study

Self-study - Svadyaya is one of the five niyamas. 

Niyama means personal observances or attitudes. 

Yoga Sutra ch. 2, v. 44:
“Self-study (Svadyaya) leads to awareness, communication and union with spirit.” 

Self-study is when we look within. It’s when we are present to how and what we feel. It’s a form of respectful observation and listening to ourselves.