Saturday, February 11, 2017

My Meditation Practice

The deeper I dive into my yoga practice the more I appreciate the beauty of meditation. Through my own journey I've come to realize that there is no yoga without meditation. What I also come to realize is that there are many pathways to meditation. I find it very helpful though to have a daily seated practice. Simply watching my breathing, allowing my thoughts to come and go in stillness. The more I practice I weave in moments of meditation into every day living. These moments are often short but very rejuvenating. It can be meditation through a certain action, walking, gazing, pausing to feel and breathe, noticing beauty around me...

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Turning Inward

Pratyahara is the 5th limb in the eight-limb path of yoga. Pratyahara means turning inward and it is a process in which our senses withdraw from external stimuli. Here we settle in and become aware of our inner landscape. The process and practice of pratyahara prepares us for deeper meditation. Taking a moment to pause and slow down give us an opportunity to reflect and draw within.

Give yourself the gift of taking a pause. Turn your mind gently inward. Breathe and let tension melt away.  Listen attentively. Feel. This is  pratyahara, to freely choose to leave external stimuli and direct the attention within.