Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Living Bliss Yoga - Who & Why

Yesterday I finished shooting a rejuvenating & restorative yoga sequence for LBY's December videos. Tomorrow there will be some more action in front of the camera. When I first started shooting yoga videos I felt so conscious and weird and uncomfortable. But very slowly that feeling started to shift when it became clear to me WHO I'm doing this for and WHY. When I step onto that yoga mat I think about my beautiful yogini tribe (and you know who you are) and other women that this will resonate with. Someone that is craving a joyful, heartfelt and creative yoga practice that they can do in the comfort of their home. Someone that wish to cultivate self-care, build physical strength and stamina, honoring their intuition, opening up and see their inner beauty. A women that wish to have yoga as a lifestyle.

WHY? Yoga empower, transform and bring us health and joy. It is my wish to create an experience where movement, meditation and yoga (both on and off the yoga mat) becomes a platform towards living a healthy creative life that aligns with your true authentic self.  

Relax…come home to yourself...

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Motivation

My morning practice altar. There is no right or wrong way to practice. Explore different pathways, different movements. Be brave and follow your intuition.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Today I want to share with you some things that I do to boost my energy. Since the days are getting much shorter it is very natural to feel less energized. I do have to say though that I think it is very important to listen to our body and decide if we need an energizing asana sequence, breathing exercise or just REST. 

This is the time to really take care of yourself before the busy holiday kicks in.

~Stay hydrated with water, fresh juice and soups.
~Load up on vitamin C.
~Eat a lot of leafy greens.
~Do your practice. Here is a link to a short sequence that you can do to boost your energy.
~Practice fire breathing/kappalabhati. It is an energizing and forceful breathing exercise  that creates clarity and vitality. Sit in a  comfortable position either on a chair or cushion. Spine is straight and chest is lifted. Place both hands around your navel. Inhale through your nose and fill up your belly, exhale through your nose and let your belly sink in, repeat three times. Inhale and then exhale forcefully while your belly is moving in towards your spine and contracting your abdominal muscles. Allow your inhalation to happen naturally. Repeat the exhalations around 30-40 times. Then inhale fully and pause at the top of your inhale for a short moment. Feel the space and stillness within. Exhale all the air out. Repeat kappalabhati one more time.
~Relax in a restorative pose. There are many wonderful restorative poses you can do but this one is a favorite of mine. It opens the whole front body, stimulates the heart and improves circulation. Relaxing for body and mind. 
Supta baddha konasana - Reclining Bound Angle or Resting Goddess Pose

Props: one bolster or a few firm pillows. 3 blankets, one behind your head and two rolled up and placed under your thighs. Optional props: One strap and eye pillow. Place strap around your sacrum, inner thighs and hook around your ankles. Place the eye pillow over your eyes. Stay for 10 minutes.

~If you don’t have the time to put together all the props just simply lie down on your back for savasana/ deep relaxation. Stay for 10 minutes. 


Thursday, November 6, 2014


Happy November!


What comes to mind when you hear that word? 

This month on LBY our theme and main focus is NOURISH. We will reflect on its meaning and how we can nourish our body, mind and spirit. Throughout this month we will use different tools and practices that cultivates self-nourishment. The asana practice will be rejuvenating, restorative, empowering and filled with heart openings. 

Seek out some creative, healing, inspired nourishment. You deserve it!

Give yourself a moment of self-nourishment with THIS FLOW! Enjoy!

