Friday, January 30, 2015

Home Yoga Practice...

Love this passage from “My Body is a Temple” by Christina Sell.
"There is a sense of empowerment that comes when you are reliable in your commitment to practice, in your own personal time of self-exploration and experimentation. In a personal practice, in the intimacy of your own breath as it joins your heart’s intention, alone with yourself, you can establish your foundation and begin to build a temple of the body."
Thank you Christina Sell for this one, so beautiful and true. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Everyday Affirmation

Peace starts with me

Anahata Altar...

Let your altar be a place for gratitude, inspiration and a reminder to connect to your intentions. My heart chakra altar 

Quotes on the healing cards by Art of Attention.
Source; Turn your heart toward the Source of all teachings.
Compassion; Be a force of quiet compassion.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Home Yoga Practice Tip...

Trust. Trust. Trust. Explore. Investigate. No judgement. Consistency. That’s a few important ingredients to build a home yoga practice. Love, Helén

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Today we start the journey of our heart chakra, the seat of love.

"More than anything, love is the deep sense of spiritual connection, the sense of being touched, moved, and inspired to heights beyond our normal limits. It is a connection with a deep, fundamental truth that runs through all of life and connects us together. Love makes the mundane sacred…"

Friday, January 23, 2015

Chakra Flow Video

End your working week with THIS sequence. Awaken and balance the energies within your fire chakra. Empowerment. Transformation. Self-esteem. Honor your inner strength. Listen to your body and do what you can.
Have a wonderful weekend. Love, Helén

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thursday Wisdom...

A super important reminder for your home yoga practice (found this in an article about Practice Awareness in Yoga Journal); 
“The study of asana is NOT about mastering posture. It’s about using posture to UNDERSTAND and TRANSFORM YOURSELF.” 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Exploring the Chakras...

Thank you Amy for sharing your chakra journey experience!! This week we explore the fire chakra; willpower, transformation and self-esteem. Next week we gently climb up to the seat of love, heart chakra.
“This chakra journey is keeping me in tune with my body and making me much more mindful for each chakra as we explore. I'm loving it!” ~Amy

Monday, January 19, 2015

Chakra Series - Third Week

This week we explore the 3rd chakra, manipura, which is associated with the fire element. Our 3rd chakra is the center of willpower, transformation and self-esteem. The yoga videos for this week’s practice are up on LBY, use them to open, balance and stimulate your 3rd chakra. 
Throughout the week contemplations, challenges, inspirations will be posted on the LBY blog page to keep you inspired and motivated to dive deeper into your chakra journey, so make sure to log in and check it out.

May this week put you on the path towards clarity and inner trust. Love, Helén

Friday, January 16, 2015

Moments of beauty everyday...

Moments of seeing the beauty in the ordinary, enjoying simplicity and small pleasures in everyday life are often overlooked... What brings you joy and pleasure in everyday life? What are the small things that brings you a feeling of contentment and warmth to your heart? Picture taken by my sister Pernilla.

Monday, January 12, 2015

2nd Week of the Chakra Series

This week we explore the 2nd chakra, svadhistana, which is associated with the water element. Our 2nd chakra is the center of creativity, movement, flow, sensuality, emotions and nurturance. The yoga videos for this week’s practice are up on LBY, use them to open, balance and stimulate your 2nd chakra. 
Throughout the week contemplations, challenges, inspirations will be posted on the LBY blog page to keep you inspired and motivated to dive deeper into your chakra journey, so make sure to log in and check it out.

May this week be filled with creativity, exploration and joy. 
Love, Helén

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Saturday Sadhana

Steady mindful flow with dhanurasana as a peakpose. Open heart... Full of gratitude for my practice. Enjoy your Saturday. Peace & Light, Helén

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A practice on and off the yoga mat...

Let your asana practice open and heal any imbalances within your earth chakra. Use your breath to ground and connect. Grounding helps us cope with stress and it brings us a sense of security and clarity. Trust your foundation, trust yourself and your journey.

Remember beautiful yoginis, working with the chakras is not about fixing anything or reaching a certain goal. It’s about a life long exploration of yourself. To be your best self. To love yourself and to offer your true authentic self. Love, Helén

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Join us...

Hello & Namaste!
It’s not to late to sign up and join us for the 7-week Chakra Series.

Each week of this series you’ll receive:
~A weekly yoga schedule with yoga videos to support your practice
~Focus of the week; each week we will focus on one chakra at a time
~A meditation suggestion to deepen your practice
~Contemplations, challenges, inspirations to help you dive deeper into your chakra journey

+ When you become a member you get access to everything on the website; yoga videos, meditations, weekly yoga schedule, monthly inspiration calendar, my support and guidance on your yoga journey.

The chakras are spiraling energy wheels within our body that regulates the flow of prana - life energy. Each chakra represents a core human need, so through our intentions and attention we can bring balance into the chakra system and open ourself up to the positive qualities of each chakra. The benefits are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. 

Go to and sign up.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Chaka Series - Week One

Today we start our chakra series! We begin our journey by exploring the first chakra, muladhara which means root, foundation, base. Yoga videos to support your practice are up on LBY and don’t forget to upload your inspiration calendar.
Go to Living Bliss Yoga and sign up!!
May this chakra series be a transformative and healing journey. Love, Helén

Friday, January 2, 2015

Chakra Journey

Happy New Year everyone!
January 4 we begin a 7-week Chakra Series. In this series you will learn about the different chakras, what they mean in our life, how they affect us, and what asanas to practice to stimulate and open them. We will awaken and energize them through our intention, attention, asanas, meditation and mudras. 
If you wish to be part of this journey go to and sign up to become a member. As a member you get access to everything on the website; yoga videos, meditations, weekly yoga schedule, monthly inspiration calendar, my support and guidance on your yoga journey.
Peace & Light,