Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Spring Blessings

"I can tell you some things I know about spring. That it's about bursting. It's about renewal. It's about relearning. And it's about becoming. And you know what? It's also about discomfort. It burns to become. But you can't avoid it. Step into it. Own it. You can't escape from what your heart actually aches for no matter how hard you might try. The brain hardly ever wins. The core does." ~Victoria Erickson

Step into it. 
Own it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Deep Rest

Savasana - Deep Rest
Savasana is an essential part of our asana practice. This pose is about deep relaxation. We return to ourselves, we release, we let go. Lying down against the earth we drop into ease, calm and trust.

"Let go now of any need to do anything or be anybody, letting your entire being fill with gratitude and praise to the mother earth and father sky." from the book Heart Yoga

Friday, March 11, 2016

Reflection Friday

“We tend to approach our postures the way we approach our lives. In our culture, results get all the attention and the process overlooked. Approach both your life and your postures with an eye to the process, and let go of the results. Stand easy in all the postures of your life, firm but relaxed.” from the amazing book Meditations from the Mat

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Daily Tending

Afternoon practice. Re-connecting. Releasing. Awakening.
If only for a few minutes give yourself that space of re-connecting to yourself in a deep soulful way. A few deep breaths, 3 minutes of stillness, a child’s pose, some energizing movements, some soothing hip stretches.
Daily tending...we all need it.
Love & Light, Helén

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sacred Mudra

Jnana mudra with a variation. Jnana mudra is one of the most common mudras of hatha yoga. It’s simple but powerful. The circle of the thumb and the index finger is a symbol of union and wholeness. Jnana mudra has a calming effect, brings clarity and improves concentration. 
Circle the thumb and index finger on your LEFT hand and rest you left hand into your right palm. You can rest this mudra in your lap or hold it in front of your navel area or solar plexus. This variation I find has a very grounding and soothing effect on me.
Namaste, Helén

Monday, March 7, 2016

Spiritual Journey

"And then I learned the spiritual journey had nothing to do with being nice. 
It was about being real, authentic. Having boundaries.
Honoring my space first, others second. 
And in this space of self-care being nice just happened, 
it flowed not motivated by fear but by love.  ~Michelle Olak