Thursday, September 11, 2014

Listen to your body + Feel calm and relaxed in 5 minutes

The last couple of days my yoga practice has been slightly different than what I had planned. Instead of a strong vinyasa flow or a yogini workout I’ve been doing a calming and rejuvenating practice. Sometimes a short practice, a calming flow, a restorative practice or just sitting down to breathe deeply is enough. We don’t always have to push ourselves. Forcing ourselves to do a strong vigorous practice for the feeling of accomplishment is not always so wise. Sometimes we just need to let ourselves be. Be with what is and know that we are enough.

Nadi Shodhana also called alternate nostril breathing is the breathing exercise for relaxation and harmony. It calms your nervous system and balances the opposites (solar-lunar, yin-yang, male-female) within the body. 

Sit up tall. Bring your left hand in to Jnana mudra (circle left thumb and index finger) and place your hand on your thigh. With your right hand, bend your right index and middle finger to touch the fleshy part of your palm. Bring you right hand up to your nose. Close your right nostril with your thumb, inhale through left nostril, close left nostril with your right ring finger, lift thumb and exhale through right nostril, inhale through right nostril, close with thumb, exhale through left nostril. Continue with this in your own rhythm 3-5 minutes. Before you start you might want to put some lavender oil on your right wrist.

This breathing exercise is wonderful to practice before going to bed or when you wish to feel calm and relaxed. You will feel a shift right away!


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