Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday Practice

Namaste yoginis,

I just finished my morning practice and I closed it with a seated meditation. Sometimes my meditation is very peaceful and sometimes not so... Today was a very peaceful one...and this happens when I let go of expectations from my yoga and meditation practice. Have you noticed that too in your practice?

Earlier this morning I drew a card from my yoga healing card deck (Art of Attention) or I should say a card jumped out... The card was: “Responsibility; When you take responsibility, you ensure your evolution.” ~Elena Brower 
Isn’t that the truth?! Isn’t that why we roll out our yoga mat everyday? Isn’t that why we meditate everyday? We take responsibility over ourselves, to be our best selves. We take responsibility over our health and well-being. 

Look out for a new fresh weekly yoga schedule on Sunday! Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

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