Thursday, October 16, 2014

Not enough time for a full practice?

Hello & Namaste,

Just wanted to share some thoughts around time and practice...

Some days our schedule is so packed with things and obligations that needs to get done that a full yoga practice seems out of the question. Sometimes that can become a stress factor in itself...I can’t do my practice, I don’t have enough time...etc etc. The last thing we want and need is creating stress around our practice. So instead we can do some “yoga-on-the-go.” Just a few simple poses that can shift your energy and the way you feel right away. 

Happy Practicing, 

Side Stretching
Opens the side ribcage and lungs for deeper fuller breathing. 5 breaths each side.

Goddess Pose with Lion’s Breath
Stand in your truth. Be fierce. Lion’s Breath: as you inhale squeeze your face together and as you exhale with an aahhh sound you stick your tongue out and look up. Repeat lion’s breath 3 times and then stand in goddess pose for 5 more breaths, breathing in and out through your nose.

Heart Opener
Lift you heart and gaze. Open your chest and create space with your breath. Both uplifting and energizing. Stay for 8 breaths.

Hip Opener
Opening our hips can release a lot of tension in our lower back but also emotional tension stuck in our hips. Breath deeply for 8 breaths each side.

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