Thursday, September 25, 2014

Happy Fall

Crisp air and colorful trees are on the horizon. Along with pumpkins, apples and warm scarfs, the fall season calls for some immune boosting yoga. This is the time to make your immune system stronger before the really cold dry air and holiday chaos comes.

Below you will find some great tools to boost your immune system!
Yoga mudra pose, Cobra pose, Sphinx pose are 3 wonderful poses that helps boost our immune system. You can practice just these 3 poses or weave them into your sequences. 

Yoga Mudra Pose

Strengthens the immune system
Stretches the legs, back and shoulders
Opens the third eye
Releases serotonin to the brain
Balances the hormones

Cobra Pose

Strengthens the immune system
Strengthens the back
Opens the chest
Releases tension and anxiety
Tones the ovaries and uterus

Sphinx Pose

Strengthens the immune system
Calms the nervous system
Releases pent-up emotions
Balancing hormones by compressing the ovaries
Releases serotonin to the brain

Bhastrika pranayama is closely related to kapalabhati/fire breath. In bhastrika pranayama both the out-breath and in-breath are forceful and vigorous. In kapalabhati/fire breath it is only the out-breath that is forceful and vigorous.

Take a comfortable seat. Sit up tall and take a few long deep breaths to center yourself. Place your hands on your lower abdominals and as you inhale through your nose you fill up your belly and as you exhale through your nose you move your belly in. Do a few of these in a slow steady pace. You can gradually begin to pick the speed up just slightly. One inhale and one exhale is a cycle. Do 8-10 cycles and then come back to your natural breath. Repeat this two more times. If you feel any discomfort, stop immediately.

Don’t do this breathing exercise if your are pregnant, if you are in your menstrual cycle, high blood pressure, lung or heart problems.

Plus a bonus tips from my cats Deedou and Derius: Take daily naps! Naps are great for you. When the days get shorter and darker the body and mind really needs that time to rejuvenate. After your nap, do a few stretches. You will feel great:)

Peace & Love,
HelĂ©n + D&D

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