Sunday, April 19, 2015

Warrior One

This week I'm focusing on the warrior poses. Through the warrior poses we can build physical strength, improve our focus, learn to stand in our truth and tap into our inner light of strength, passion and courage. Unless I do a restorative or yin practice I always incorporate some warrior poses into my home yoga practice. I love the warrior poses, they have so many great benefits. 
Warrior One - Virabhadrasana One

Warrior l - Virabhadrasana I: open up to your inner light and shine, let your inner courage glow

alignment: front knee directly over ankle, front thigh parallel to the ground, back leg slightly turned out, back heel rooting firmly into the ground, back leg is strong and active, tailbone is dropping down and navel is lifting up, soften front lower ribs in and lift heart from behind, drop shoulders away from ears. You have probably heard many times that you should square your hips in warrior one... But I say no to that. I’ve learned this from Sadie Nardini, founder of Core Strength Vinyasa. By not squaring the hips we don’t put pressure on the back knee. Instead, try to square from your ribcage and engage your abdominals. 
benefits: strengthens and tones the legs, open up the hips, helps deep breathing, tone up ankles and knees



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