Wednesday, May 25, 2016


“By nature Mercury and mind are unsteady: there is nothing in the world which cannot be accomplished when these are made steady.” - Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Words of Wisdom

"Silence and stillness are nourishment for your mind and spirit, and reflection is a time for you to tap into your true beauty so that you can shine internally and externally." ~Sierra Bender, Goddess to the Core

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

3 Simple Tools to begin a Meditation Practice

Today I want to share 3 simple tools that’s been really helpful in my meditation practice.

Get Comfortable
The most important part of your meditation practice is making sure you are comfortable in your body. You want to sit onto a firm pillow or a blanket so your hips can be higher than your knees. If cross-legged position isn’t comfortable sit on a chair. You want the spine to be straight and chest open, that way the breath can move into your heart and lungs. 

Same Time Same Space
I have found that if I stick to a certain time and space I am more likely to stick to my meditation practice. After a while it becomes a routine that triggers my mind. I prefer to meditate in the morning. It’s so easy to let it slip away if I wait...

Start Small
Begin with 5 minutes. You can practice 5 minutes of meditation for a week and then you add 1 more minute everyday until 11 minutes. Stay with 11 minutes for a while, get comfortable. I started with 5 minutes and I thought it was torture to sit still and trying not to think... You see when I started meditating I thought that I needed to completely blank my mind and not think. Well... Accept your thoughts, they will be there. It’s how you engage with them. Don’t let your thoughts take over, instead be in charge over them. As soon as you begin to drift you gently bring yourself back to your breath and body.

I like to think of my mind as a blue sky and my thoughts as clouds. Let your thoughts come and go like the clouds in the sky.

Meditation Blessings, Helén

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Contemplation for your meditation

"Release your thoughts, for they are merely storms you have clung to. Return to the shore of your body. Breathe the warm light your lungs had forgotten. ~Victoria Erickson

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Simple Meditation Practice

Meditation is a practice with many great benefits. It’s a way to slow down, focus and be close to yourself. In meditation you give yourself room and space to relax into who you are. 

Take a comfortable seat. Set your timer (5-11minutes) and close your eyes. Sit up straight, lengthen your spine and open your heart. Settle into your breathing. As you sit in stillness allow thoughts and feelings to come to the surface, don’t give them a title or judge them as good or bad. Breathe into them and let them go, release them and see them move away like clouds in the sky. 
This will allow you to create space within and clear away what is no longer healthy. When we do this we can begin to connect and hear our intuition more clearly.

Meditation Blessings, Helén

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sacred Space

My sacred space. A space to regroup, reflect, meditate and re-connect. A space where I can pause, listen and feel.

Do you have a sacred space just for you?

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Magic in You

"The magic begins in you. Feel your own energy, and realize similar energy exists within the Earth, stones, plants, water, fire, colors and animals. -Scott Cunningham

Pause to look within…